REKT Partners

Crypto AM shines its spotlight on REKT Partners

REKT Partners featured in the Crypto AM section of City A.M. — London’s most-read financial and business newspaper — following an interview with REKT Partners’ Founder, George Godsal.

George reflected on his wide-ranging communications career to date and why he set up REKT Partners having identified a growing need for strategic communications counsel focused on the crypto and Web3 sectors.

Having spent two years as BitMex’s Global Head of Communications, Godsal has first-hand experience of what it takes to both promote a crypto business, but also how to protect its reputation during challenging times.

It’s this experience of handling crises that sets REKT Partners apart in the Web3 space, and he discussed with Crypto AM the many crises he has helped to navigate during his career.

“Regardless of the type of client issue I’ve experienced – from a relatively small event to a full-blown crisis – those organisations who have purposefully built and managed their reputation before a crisis strikes are far more likely to survive and they also recover from a crisis much more quickly.”
George Godsal

To learn more about how the REKT Partners team could help your business, contact us to arrange an introductory call.